Mon 06 Jan
Leaving Soon~[•♥•[ N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥•] THIS N*I*C*E - 23
(Columbus, North Columbus)
$50 ★ONE OF A KiND★ ● ○PleaSure PaRaDise$50 . ExOTiC... CurVy... BuSTy.$50 EboNy$50 - 24
(Greenville, GREENVILLE SC)
*Sweet ——————* Sexy ———^———* BUSTY ————————— Brunette ——————— Visiting———————— ————————* - 20
(Orange County, 22 FrEeWaY_garden_grove <3)
(((WoW)))) big booty chocolate caramel beauty (((WoW))) 80 spls All Day and Nite !!!! - 25
(New Orleans, West Bank. New Orleans Incalls)
°•❤•° LET ME BE°•❤•° _ Y.O.U.R _ °•❤•° _ L.i.T.T.L.E _ °•❤•° _ S.E.C.R.E.T _ °•❤•° - 20
(Downtown, Raleigh Bartlett)
fun friendly and sexy!!! come have a great time with me that you will never 4 get! - 22
(Memphis, Incalls only)
╚▶ £uCk¥ WiNN€R ~ ₡LiCk H€r€ 2 cLaiM ¥0uR Pr!ze ╚▶#1 I§LÂnD * PÂL¥MÂT€ - 20
* NeW 2 ArEa* 100% ReAl FrEaKy FuN* ♡ A V A I L A B L E ♡ N O W ♡ ~ 24/7 ~ - 21
(Long Beach, 605 frwy ((Downey)))
Sun 05 Jan
`'·.¸♔ ¸.·'´¯ EXQUISITE BARBIE (¯`'´¯) NEW IN TOWN ( ¯`( ¯`'·.¸♔ ¸.· Outcalls ..... - 22
(Orlando, 0rlando)
———————— ———————— —————————— ———————— SPECIAL * ——————— —————————— —————————— —————————— - 34
█▒█ _ S U P E R _ SEXY_ █▒█ _ P E T I T E _ █▒█ __B L O N D E__ █▒█ - 34
(North Jersey, Route 23/Willowbrook Mall)
" "! Rayne!" RETURNS! "°e°" outcalls and incalls! "°e°"SPECIALS RIGHT NOW!e100 & 160 - 27
(Little Rock, north little rock incall.......)
**____$80 Special__★ ✪ BiG bOøtÝ LOVERS #1 PICK !! ✪ Sweet 'N' CuRvY ✆ Call Now! ✆Spēči@l§★ - 24
(North Bay, VALLEJO / HWY 80 / REDWOOD)
╚▶ £uCk¥ WiNN€R ~ ₡LiCk H€r€ 2 cLaiM ¥0uR Pr!ze ╚▶#1 I§LÂnD * PÂL¥MÂT€ EARLY BIRD SP£
(Monroe, Monroe and surrounding areas)
Caredate or outcall ▬ ♛▬▬ ⭐️👑⭐️⭐️👑⭐️▬ ♛▬▬⭐️👑⭐️⭐️👑⭐️▬▬**YOUNG ((BLONDE)) HOTTIE**▬▬▬⭐️👑⭐️▬ ♛▬▬ ⭐️👑⭐️▬ ♛▬▬ - 24
(Downtown, Victoria)
☆ VIP Companion ☆——————◆ G0RGE0US BABE ◆—————————☆ Latin Bombshell ☆—————————◆ INCALL//OUTCALL ◆ - 24
(Lansing, ✮ IN//OUT Lansing & All Surr. Cities ✮)
*:•{} •:*; ¨*:•{SNEAK} °o©• {AWAY} °o©• {&} °o©• {COME} °o©• {PLAY} *:•{} •:* - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, INCALLS ONLY)
((♥)) Erotic Beauty ((♥)) #1 H-e-A-r-T ((♥)) R-a-C-i-N-g ((♥)) avilable now - 24
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, In/Outcalls-Kil)
fun friendly and sexy!!! come have a great time with me that you will never 4 get! - 22
(Memphis, Incalls only)
°•°CoMe GeT DirTy°•° 👅👄leT ME be YOUR PERFECT fantasy!🍓🍓! 😘😘°•Dream Girl /DONT Let Cold stop U - 21
(Kansas City, in/outcall)
** BLONDE Bombshell - Tan and Sexy Just For You ** - 35
(Pinellas Co, Incall ner St.Pete/Clw Airport)
Mz. Hot stuff ready to pop lock and drop it 60$ special all day and night im waiting - 21
(St. Louis, Northcounty)
Mz. Fuge once again so lets get it 80$ special so good make u wanna smack your moma - 21
(St. Louis, Northcounty)
♥Wake UP The♧♣Right WAY♡♥♡ Experience Pure Adult Fun★★♥ 100% Real Pure Action♥♥Ride of your Life - 23
(Seattle, Seatac Incalls/Outcalls select north/so)
★• E a R L y B i R D •★• ——— F I L I P I N A PLAYMATE ——— •★• D o N T. M i S S. o U T •★ - 19
(Los Angeles, GARDENDA INCALL/405 FWY)
~ __ *$6o Specials!! {{PURE }} ``. S _A_T_ I _S_F_A_C_T_I _O_N *^*^*^___::` {{ HOT BRUNETTE }} _ ~ - 24
(Los Angeles, Carson{ Redondo{ Torrance{ Gardena)
▃ ▅ ▆ █ ♡# 1 Hottie In Town♡ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ♡Available ✔㏂✔㏘!! • FiRsT cLaSs @ It's Finest ✮ ✮ - 24
(Detroit, Metro Airport Incall • Out 2 ALL Suburbs)
*SOFTER THAN COTTON*SUPER FINE #super freak# {{THICK & JUICY}} 100 specials 100% real pics - 19
(City of San Diego, imperial beach)
Early bird specials & all day long im Mz Paris a busty seductive bbw 46 tripple K'$ - 23
(City of San Diego, all over sd outcalls)
Lusty Latina Feeling Naughty && Oh My God LOOK At Her Ѽ Ѽ - 21
💟💟💟 PDX'S FAVORITE BLONDE☠SHELL SEXY SPINNER!!! 💟💟💟 💋360-602-6196 avail.LATE 💋 - 25
Early Morning rendezvous (5★★★★★ PlayMate) ... Sexy , Slender | LoNg LeGs • - 19
(Cleveland, outcall)
•★•— N—E—W —•★•- i-N- •★•- t-O-W-N- •★•- S-E-X-Y- •★•- - Leaving Soon $65 SPECIAL - 23
(Clarksville, Mall)
❤★【CoMe】 ★【BrInG】 ★【OuT】 ★【uR】 ★ 【WiLDSiDe 】 ★ [[ AVAILABLE ★ NOW ]] [♥ $100 Specials] - 21
(Clarksville, incall only ☎Me)
✦ M!®®ØR M!®®ØR ØN TH€ WALL ¤ !M TH€ §ⒺXIE§T ØF TH€M ALL ✦ 8 §pEcIaL 0 - 22
(San Fernando Valley, Wo0dLaNd HiLLs iNcaLL sPeCiaL Out bY aPT)
❤ U p - S C a L E ❤ B L o N d E ❤ ( Leaving 2/7 ) ) - 21
(Eastern Connecticut, Stamford)
best ArOuNd =J_U_S_T= __ = W_H_A_T= __ =Y_O_U= __=C_R_A_V_E= *BUSTY BRUNETTE - 20
(Los Angeles, Glendale_NoHo iNCALL ★ .xoxo)
♡♡ ♡Good Morning ♡ SEXY ,Pretty , and. Fun♡24 Hr Catch Me While You Can! - 19
(Cleveland, independence)
* [[ *D A N G E R O U S L Y *]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y *]] - 23
(Philadelphia, Philadelphia Airport Incall)
★ ★ NaturaL ★ ★ Curv¥★ ★ Soft★ ★ Baham¡an ★ Bod¥ ☎ Call NoW ☎ Incall Only - 23
(Miami, ★QUAL¡T¥ INCALL★W Okeechobee rd. Hialeah)
✿• BreathTaking ✿ KnockOut *¨¨*••✿•✰ LeT ✰ Me ✰ WorK ✰ My ✰ MaGiC ✰•✿••*¨¨* - 33
(Houston, Conroe WoodLands Spring Tomball OutOnly)
。。。!!! W A R N i N G !!! 。。。iM VERY ADDiCtiNG !!! S3XY ITALIAN BUNN¥ {newTOarea} - 23
(Hartford, weathersfield IN&OUT;)
°•°•*☆( =F_L_¡_R_T_y= __ ★__ =€_X_o_T_ i_c ** --layla ----incalls only ready 4 u - 20
(Phx North, west phx)
(1OO% ME) ❤ U —— p — S —— C —— a —— L — E — •❤• — B —— R —— u —— N —— E—T—T—e ❤ - 20
(East Valley, (★Scottsdale★iNCALLS))
Classy Mature Dominatrix - 55
(Ancaster, Brantford-Woodstock, Guelph, Hamilton, Kitchener, Niagara Region, Toronto)
Y O U N G. T I g h t. A n d V E R Y. S E X Y. U W.I L L. W A N T. I T. A G A I N. ! - 19
(San Francisco)
🏆🇱🇦🇹🇮🇳🇦 🇧🇴🇲🇧🇸🇭🇪🇱🇱🏆⭐₮ H E ⭐ G i R L⭐ Θ F ⭐ Y Θ U R⭐D R E Λ M δ⭐ 💛S P E C I A L💛 - 28
(Berkeley Emeryville 24hrs., East Bay, Oakland)
** EARLY SPECIALS 65$ right before work lip stick on your work shirt style - 22
(Detroit, northwestern telegraph)
MS.PARIS:•:★:•: EXXTReMeLY BUSTY ThiCK (BBW) GoDDeSS •★•BiG BoOTy ask about SPECIALs :•:★:•: - - 23
(City of San Diego, all over san diego outcalls)